Research Poster

During the Poster Session, the authors can present their research at a poster and engage in discussion with other participants. Your poster should meet the following criteria:

    • Format - A1 (841 x 541 mm) or A0 (1189 x 841 mm) with landscape orientation
    • Recommended font size:
      • A1: 72pt-80pt title, 48pt author, 32pt headings, 28pt main text
      • A0: 90pt-100pt title, 60pt author, 40pt headings, 32pt main text
    • The poster should contain:
      • the title and the author details (name, surname, affiliation)
      • short introduction
      • research questions and objectives
      • discussion and conclusion
    • Bulleted statements are preferred over blocks of texts
    • The poster must include graphical elements (symbols, figures, graphs, images, etc. - avoid using too much text without graphics!)

You can provide written handouts (especially if you are submitting a research paper on the same subject) or A4 takeaway versions of your poster. The posters must be brought to the main conference hall by the presenting author on the conference day (research poster authors will receive detailed information later by e-mail). Each author can submit only one poster. Authors must obtain all necessary permissions for the inclusion of any copyright‑protected works, images, etc.

There will be a Best Poster Competition based on people’s choice. The results will be announced at the end of the session. Some useful hints on how to make a research poster can be found on the MakeSigns website.

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